"On The Move"
Dance Company
DanceMania's "On The Move" performing company starts at an early age, with the Apprentice Company (by invitation only), and goes all the way through the teen years, with our Senior Company. Our dance company is a great opportunity to perform at community events, as well as participate in competitions and workshops throughout the year. While we do require a certain level of commitment from our company dancers, we also strive to keep it a fun learning experience for everyone involved. Its a great way to learn teamwork and creative expression.
We hold auditions in September, so stay on the look-out if you are interested! They are open to everyone. Auditions are for our Junior Novice, Junior, and Senior companies. Previous dance training recommended. Members of the company are allowed to perform in Solos, Duets, Trios, and Group pieces. Come join us! We'd love to have you.